Yoni Steaming Guide
As promised here is the Yoni Steaming practice I recommend and use personally at home, these are of course are guidelines and are there to be adapted to you and your Yoni. The most important part of this practice is the opportunity it provides to slow down, breathe and connect to your Yoni/Womb Space/Pussy.
Layla Martin has made a good video about Yoni Steaming if you’d like to watch here is the link
Prepare the space
I recommend using the toilet as a steaming seat, there are a lot of bespoke steaming stools/chairs out there too - whatever you have or want to use is great. You can also steam on the floor in child’s pose or squatting. I occasionally use child’s pose but mostly the toilet and I am assuming you will start there too, its super comfy, we all have one and often with a lock on the door!
I have a family so our bathroom is generally full of toys… I start by chucking these all out of the room or into the bath to give some semblance of tidy...
You can go all out here by cleaning the space, cleansing the energy with sage or incense and decorating with candles, crystals, flowers, adding a diffuser with gentle essential oils and making delicious cocoa or herb tea to sip on. Or you can use what you have, give the place a quick wipe, use your intention to clear the energy, light a candle or put your phone on a low light app and go steam.
I do find it very lovely to have a candle and a journal (its amazing how many insights pop up while sitting on steam!) drinking water is also essential. In the cooler months a blanket is needed as are socks, it is almost impossible to relax when chilly.
Prepare the herbs
One of the trickiest parts of steaming is finding/choosing a pot with a lid that will fit into your toilet bowl that isn’t made of plastic or aluminium, I use a stainless steel cooking pot which doesn’t have a long handle (it snapped off which was initially very annoying but is now perfect!) but I have also used a stainless steel mixing bowl with a saucepan lid or a tea towel, improvisation can be an important life skill I find!
Once you have your pot clean it, if it is able to be on the stove directly pop it on the heat and add water (approximately 2 pints but gauge this on your pot size, you want about 2/3 of the pot full so the herbs can boil and some water can evaporate without loosing all your water.
Mix up the herbs so you get a bit of everything in your steam pot, they can settle in the bag. I use about 1-2 heaped tablespoons of herbs to a pan. Listen to your intuition here you may find that your body thinks less herbs, more water or visa versa but 2 pints and 1 heaped tablespoon is a good starting point.
Bring the herbs to the boil, stirring them and setting your intention for the steam session (centring, calming, cleansing, peace, love, nurture, healing, guidance... anything that you feel drawn to, this process often brings tears for me) gently boil the herbs for 5 mins then turn of the heat, put lid on and leave to steep for 10 mins.
After the 10 minutes steep is done carefully transfer hot herby water in pot with lid to the toilet bowl, this is the most dangerous part of this whole adventure, especially if you have lit the place with candles and left loads of toys outside the door to trip over…. so be careful and use a tea towel that you then wash as it will inevitably get into the toilet water….! As a side note when I first steamed I transferred the water into another bowl to cool it before putting it into the toilet bowl because I was worried about the hot pot cracking the toilet (I have no idea if this is actually possible… it’s never happened to me and now I just bung the hot pot into the bowl but thought I would say as I was worried and you might be too) you might wish to do this for the first few times if you worry like me… At this point you might be thinking I will buy a steam stool it would be easier and that could well be true!
Remove the lid from the pan/bowl in the toilet, a lot of herby steam will come out, I use this moment to faff about making sure I have everything and locking the bathroom door and turning out the light. Gives the steam a few moments to cool off.
Obviously at this point you will need to remove your clothes and underwear from the waist down, feel the steam with your hand before lowering yourself onto the toilet seat, go very slowly as a burnt vulva is painful and unnecessary, the only time I have burnt myself was using a bowl on the floor which I knocked as I lowered myself over it and it burnt my leg… it was so painful for ages… boiling water is seriously hot and there is no need to have the steam really hot, you are looking for deep nourishing warmth like a log fire in winter type sensation not a sauna that you are forcing yourself to stay in. Everything about this ritual can and should be adjusted to you, your body, your life.
Once you are comfortably sitting on the toilet seat wrap a blanket or towel around you to keep the steam in and keep you warm, again something you can easily wash as inevitably this will get down the back or sides of the toilet… oh the glamour… it will be worth it.
But now comes the good bit, relax and breathe and feel the warm steam, there is nothing like this and the deep relaxation that comes with it. The first time I steamed I fell into a deep almost sleep and it was so healing, other steams have been so pleasurable I have felt the wave of orgasm, other times I have felt nothing and been numb, other times I have cried and cried, other times I have been flooded with intuitive knowing which I have frantically scribbled down in the semi darkness only to struggle to read the next day.
I would encourage you to use this time to connect with your pelvic space, deeply feel and listen, my experience is that this part of our bodies is very powerful and if we take the time to listen we can really benefit from this voice in our life. Steaming is a good way to begin to listen and heal our connection with our bodies.
It is good to steam for 10 mins at least, 20 minutes is better. I often find myself staying put for 40 minutes, follow your body. If you feel agitated while steaming then get up and move, the body is so profoundly wise and if she is asking for something then do it, gentle trauma release is possible here. Also allow for emotion I have experienced deep grief and wild rage while steaming and this is all good, be with it, moves if you need, write if you need. Trust your body and her instincts. Know that being in the emotion and staying present with the sensations will move everything much faster than trying to smother them.
The first time I steamed immediately afterwards I had to sleep so it may be good to time it before bed and just snuggle straight down for the night, this works especially well if you have children as they are mostly sleeping and you can do your thing then go to bed. I often leave clear up until the morning, something that is nice to do and rounds out the practice is to pour the herby water onto the Earth/ground as an offering of thanks to the planet for providing these tools for healing. However I also pour this water into the toilet if I have my children around and it just needs to be cleared away, I hold the intention of thanking the Earth in my heart and trust that the water and herbs will find their way.
There is no need to shower afterward you steam, you will sweat and this is part of the process, however if you’d like to shower do.
I would recommend steaming twice a month before you bleed and afterwards, but there is no limit and if it feels good and your body is calling for it go ahead.
Don’t steam if you are bleeding, if you are pregnant or you think you might be pregnant.
It’s also not recommended to steam if you have an IUD
If you have any concerns or need support with anything arising from your steam practice feel free to contact me to discuss your particular situation.